Master your ADHD, build your dream business and become an industry leader

Below you'll find a complete list of all the programs, products and coaching that you have access to right meow. Click a category to find YOUR product.

Self-Paced Courses

The idea of working on your ADHD management and/or business tingles your fancy but you want to do it on your term, aka not be stressed by yet another deadline for a course? Well, self-paced offers are perfect for you! Navigate at your rhythm and come back to it whenever you feel the urge. Here are the courses and self-paced options that are available right meow.

Group Coaching

Your business is your ticket to freedom so why not make sure that you are flying first class? Business coaching with Lola is just that, taking the fast track and making sure that you get there in style. Her coaching style is strong business planning for your needs (hi neurodivergent peeps, yes this means adaptive coaching for your brain's needs), mixed with a healthy dose of mindset growth and management. If your freedom isn't getting there fast enough, Business Coaching with Lola is what you need.

Private Coaching

Struggling with your ADHD symptoms? Your business isn't taking off quickly enough for you? You crave this closeknit relationship with a coach and mentor? You feel like you are spinning your wheels 24/7 but you don't have anything to show for? And you are SO READY to go all in? Then private coaching is right for you! Learn how to adapt your daily needs to your neurodiversity. All these offers are very limited! So make sure to get them when they are available.

ADHD Tools

Feeling like your brain is working overtime to keep you in the same loop? Feels like all the tools and tricks you find out there aren't made for your brain? Well, get ready for a new era. All the tools below are made for ADHD brain by an ADHD brain.


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