The year was 2013, and Lola was starting her second year in her bachelor's in biomedical science. Little did she know that her request for support at the student support office would change everything...

Okay, let's quit the dramatics. Back in 2013, Lola was in her second year of her bachelor's and got diagnosed with ADHD, the combined type. That means that she struck the package deal by having both the inattentive type AND the hyperactive/impulsive type of ADHD, woohoo! After starting her new medication she didn't like how the medication was changing her and realized that continuing in the medical field would mean having to take that same medication for many, many years. She didn't want to put herself through that so she decided to change fields, start a more creative path where she wouldn't have to take medication every single day and embarked on a Product Design's bachelor in the hope of becoming a medical product designer.

During her bachelor, she learned how to study problematics. How to identify where are people struggling and how to help them best. How to create the most adapted products for their specific needs. During the last year of her bachelor, she decided to dedicate her final project to helping young adults with ADHD to feel more in control of their life. She then spent 6 months studying ADHD, meeting with medical professionals and holding interviews with a dozen of people with ADHD to better understand their needs. The last 6 months were spent developing multiple products to help people with ADHD in their organization and time management.

After graduating from her bachelor's, Lola decided to start her own business as a designer. Slowling that business evolved into mindset, business and life coaching. When she found this new calling she decided to dedicate herself and get certified in EFT, TFT, NLP (in progress), CBT (in progress) and MHW (in progress).

The Weirdo Coach brand was created in 2019 from the desire to celebrate individuality and differences in entrepreneurship. Following the evolution of her practice and her growing love of mental health, she started to share all the information she gathered from personal experience, trainings and scientific research online.

Soon, she found herself flooded by people thanking her for her insights, tips, tricks and guidance about ADHD and business building and asking her to take them on as clients. It was at that moment she decided to shift her practice to cater to the neurodivergent community who felt abandoned by the system.

It's with this body of work that she got mentioned in TIME magazine in 2022.

Now, Lola is working to help as many people as possible who are struggling with ADHD. She's working on developing new tools and new strategies to help folks reduce the pain points linked to their symptoms. Her services are meant to help with the management of issues linked to ADHD symptoms and not as treatments for the symptoms themselves.

As stated many times, Lola isn't a licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or doctor. The support that she provides doesn't replace the expertise of any of these health professionals.

What she is though, is an ADHD & Business Coach. Her job is to support you in your exploration journey of your ADHD symptoms (diagnosed or self-diagnosed, no judgment here). She'll help you set achievable goals and personalized methods to reach them from a neurodivergent perspective.

Through her courses, she makes available the knowledge and resources normally given via personalized coaching to a wider audience. In these courses, you'll learn different strategies, tools and systems to reduce issues caused by ADHD symptoms for day-to-day life or for business building.

New free and paid offers are continuously being created to better serve you so please check the "Services" section to know what is currently available.

Check out the "Services" section

If you have any more questions or inquiries to work with Lola, please send them to her team at [email protected].